EXCITING NEWS: Our first... in a long time... SCTC Member Survey splashed down last night via Constant Contact. If you are currently a member of the club, or have been a member in the last five years, you should have received a link to it in your e-mail inbox, along with a brief explanation of why we're doing this.
The short, straight-up answer to that question, by the way: We can't actually remember the last time we collected systematic data on what people like about the club, what they don't like, and what direction(s) they'd like SCTC to go in the future. We talk to each other about this kind of stuff all the time, but we want to make big decisions and grand plans, and to do that we need something better than anecdotes and impressions— we need numbers. We need to reach out to everyone in our community to get a comprehensive view of who we are, what we want, and what our goals and priorities should be.
Which raises another important point: It's not just numbers that we need; we need your ideas, too. This survey is intended in part to be a big group brainstorm— to capture all the great (and small) ideas that you might get on your long runs, and maybe mention to a couple of running buddies, when nobody is going to write them down.
So please, take those open response boxes (and there are a few) as an invitation to get creative and think big. Your responses are completely anonymous, so don't be shy and don't hold back. The survey should take ten minutes, but if you want to spend more time thinking about it and writing out your suggestions, we'd really appreciate it.
Board Member Hallie Carl is our Surveyor-in-Chief and in-house Constant Contact wizard, so if you have any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and address it to her.
Thank you so much for your participation, and for your efforts to make our amazing running community better than ever!
The short, straight-up answer to that question, by the way: We can't actually remember the last time we collected systematic data on what people like about the club, what they don't like, and what direction(s) they'd like SCTC to go in the future. We talk to each other about this kind of stuff all the time, but we want to make big decisions and grand plans, and to do that we need something better than anecdotes and impressions— we need numbers. We need to reach out to everyone in our community to get a comprehensive view of who we are, what we want, and what our goals and priorities should be.
Which raises another important point: It's not just numbers that we need; we need your ideas, too. This survey is intended in part to be a big group brainstorm— to capture all the great (and small) ideas that you might get on your long runs, and maybe mention to a couple of running buddies, when nobody is going to write them down.
So please, take those open response boxes (and there are a few) as an invitation to get creative and think big. Your responses are completely anonymous, so don't be shy and don't hold back. The survey should take ten minutes, but if you want to spend more time thinking about it and writing out your suggestions, we'd really appreciate it.
Board Member Hallie Carl is our Surveyor-in-Chief and in-house Constant Contact wizard, so if you have any questions, concerns, or technical difficulties, please send an e-mail to [email protected] and address it to her.
Thank you so much for your participation, and for your efforts to make our amazing running community better than ever!